Wednesday, March 14, 2012

News Tidbits

The news here at 29 Sherwood is rather on the boring side
but compared to what it could have been
that, our friends, is completely acceptable and quite beautiful.

Gerry is healing.
It's not much to talk about...
Incisions flattening out and getting less red / more white.
Pain is evident, (most especially during sneezing!), 
but daily as Gerry takes on more activity 
he works through the discomfort
and can "take the edge off" with an ibuprofen or two. 
Strength is very slowly coming back.  
Sleep is not as elusive.

Telling you about Gerry's progress 
is like describing moments of a plant growing.
It seems silly to go on about each little improvement.
That's pretty much what's happening though,
(moments, hours & days of slight recovery),
so that is what we blog about today.

For the next month or so he will be going 
to respiratory / pulmonary therapy two times a week.

From the beginning of December 
he was using electronic cigarettes,
(which was a big improvement over smoking the standard cigs).
But as of February 2nd he has quit all of it "cold turkey".
Not an easy feat when you've got a 40 year habit.
We are very proud of Gerry 
for completely quitting all forms of smoking!

Another little tidbit of news is that as of March 1st 
Gerry is retired from Metro North Commuter Railroad.

There are two questions that most people ask immediately:

Q.) Will there be a party?
A.) Yes.  Here at our house sometime in July,
(the date to be announced).

Q.) Are Korina and Gerry fighting more?
A.) No. (Sorry to disappoint you by not having any lively stories!)
For many years Gerry has pondered what would be the right time to retire.
He certainly did not plan to do so this year,
but maybe in the next few years.
So this is a little earlier than he had hoped 
but not an extreme difference from what he was thinking he would do.
Korina is delighted about having Gerry here 
during the 2 most stressful times of the day for our family, 
(early mornings & evenings),
when she used to have to handle everything solo while working.
In the next couple weeks when Gerry is "fully functioning in life" again
Korina looks forward to the prospect of focusing more on her work
and feeling a better sense of completion in her tasks.

More unimaginative news....
We are feeling relief as we see the results of "digging out" 
after months of ups & downs and chaos in our lives.

There is a lot less dust in our house, 
(although it is not truly presentable yet).
There are less piles of paper.
Correspondence is slowly getting completed.
There are few medical forms 
and very little left to do for college application.

Some of you might be wondering 
if Korina ever did get the Christmas Tree put away?
Yes.  Finally on March 3rd she cleaned and put away all Christmas 
and managed, (on that very sunny Saturday afternoon), 
to get the St. Patrick's decorations out and put on the Irish music.
Straight from St. Nick to St. Pat!

All this tedium to say
that we are getting back to normal here.
We could not have done it without you.
We were carried along by your words of encouragement,
by your prayers, your hugs & smiles,
and by nourishing us with food for the body, mind & soul.
We can't thank you enough!

Gerry, Korina, Christie & Josie

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the club, Gerry. Your healing will sky rocket now that the Metro North albatross is gone. Keep up the fantastic work and squeeze that girl Korina. It sounds like she continues to be the light in your storm!
