Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mr. Clean

The Morans were all over the place today.   Christie & Korina were due at a college open house this morning.  So Korina was up at 3:45, on the road by 5:00 and drove 3 1/2 hours to Lake George to pick up Christie & her friend, Kaelene, from another friend's home.  Then we headed back south for an hour, (all the while discussing an essay that was to read for a "mock lecture"), to Albany to attend the Siena open house.

Meanwhile Gerry was going to drive, (for the first time since February 2nd), to Phelps to get an x-ray & check up with Dr. Merav.  After checking in at radiology to get the x-ray Gerry headed up to Dr. Merav's office and got some good news.... The pathology report came back from the part of his lung that was removed.... Mr. Clean!.... It's all clean.  No cancer cells hanging around.  'No sign of 'em!  The other tidbit of good news for Gerry was that he could get a stronger prescription for the pain of his rather large incision, (not to mention the healing going on inside that we can't see).  He's had a very hard time getting rest and sleeping using only ibuprofen.  That problem has been remedied.  He's happy and looking forward to a full night's sleep.  But... you won't see Gerry driving for awhile again!  :)

Thanks for checking in with us!  'So glad we have good news!
Hope you have as good as a week as we're having!
Gerry, Korina, Christie & Josie


  1. Hi Moran's!

    Finally we are connected!


    Is the tree finally packed up?

    Is college shopping fun, just tiring, or awful?

    Is it better or worse for your community that Gerry is back to driving?

    Gerry- Do the women in your family get their good looks from your or vicee voicee??

    Keeping you all in prayer. A few of yours coming our way would always be nice!

    Ken & Mona

  2. The best news - I'm so glad for all of you!

  3. That is great news!!!
    Love- Dee, Kevin & Alice
